By Janice Murasko
Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” ARF family members talked about new ARF family members and those who had been adopted.
Panther: The kittens have all checked in, so let’s hear from some of you adults.
Heavenly Whiskers: Guess I’ll get this over with. You see, I can be very shy, but in the past few months I’ve really come out of my shell. I’ve really come a long way, and I’ll be a great family member for someone willing to give me a chance.
Panther: Ladies and gentlemen! Please put your paws together to welcome the tuxedo triplets Pepper, Sadie and Carly!
(Lots of applause as the cattery members put their paws together.)
Pepper: Thank you! Thank you so much! While it’s true that the three of us look very much alike, we are very different individuals. I’m very friendly after a few minutes. I really like visiting humans to come in and take a seat. I’ll soon be at their feet, waiting to be petted.
Sadie: I’m Sadie and Carly is my sister. My sister and I came to ARF together, and we were not very socialized and friendly. But you’d never know that about me now! I really enjoy weaving.
Carly: Yes, Sadie is pretty darned friendly. I really like to be snuggled in a cat condo and avoid most humans. I do come out from time to time. I’m happy with who I am.
Panther: Thank you, my furry friends! Let’s see who gets adopted next.
Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Carole Herman & Sandi Mathers.