Supervisor Washington assumes state and regional roles

Riverside County 3rd District Supervisor Chuck Washington’s term as chair of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors ends with 2018. However, the Hill’s representative will be just as busy and involved in local and countywide issues in 2019.
Earlier this month, he was elected to serve as chair of the Riverside County Transportation Commission. Also, he was selected to be a member of the executive committee for the California State Association of Counties, so his voice and views will go beyond Riverside County.
“I’ve been an alternate the last two years,” Washington said about the CSAC position. “This is the first time I’ll be a full voting member.”
The CSAC executive committee holds about six meetings annually. It discusses various program and legislative initiatives, which it presents to the full membership representing all 58 California counties.
The five Southern California counties — Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego — have more than half of the state’s population, which bestows even more responsibility on Washington, he added.
“There are historic inequities, such as funding formulas, which have affected Southern California,” he noted. “We have long referred to this region as the ‘self-help’ counties, because there is no one else to rely on.”
But Washington is justly proud and recognizes the importance of becoming the chair of the RCTC. This group has a very direct and dramatic effect on the county and how its growth is directed.
“Our agenda is primarily focused on the inevitable growth in Riverside County,” he said. “This is coming from jobs and millennials moving here. We have a need for investment in our infrastructure and have to listen to our residents and commuters.”
In March, Washington will complete his fourth year on the Board of Supervisors. He was appointed in March 2015, to replace Jeff Stone, who was elected to the state Senate. In November 2016, Washington was elected to a full, four-year term.