Realtor Talk
Hello and happy 2019 from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors. It would be an understatement to say that 2018 was an eventful year. Our community saw everything from the birth and dedication of our new Idypark to the town’s close call with total annihilation by the Cranston Fire — and everything in between (i.e. black bears trespassing on private property.)
As we turn the page into 2019, IAOR is looking forward to keeping our community informed about any pertinent real estate news, housing info and helpful tips for homeowners, renters and future homeowners. (Thank you, Idyllwild Town Crier.)
For this month’s edition, I want to share with you some local housing statistics on the year 2018 in comparison with the previous three years.
But before that, here’s our health and safety tip of the month: January is a good time to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. It is important to routinely check the functionality and proper locations of all your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. It only takes a few minutes — and could save your life!
Presently, the California State Building Code requires that smoke alarms be located in 1) the hallway outside the bedrooms; 2) in each bedroom; and 3) on every floor regardless of whether there is a bedroom on that floor.*
Every owner of a “dwelling unit intended for human occupancy” must install an approved carbon monoxide device in each existing dwelling unit having a fossil fuel burning heater or appliance, fireplace, or an attached garage. (Cal. Health & Safety Code § 17926(a).)
Curious to know how many homes “on the Hill” have sold in 2018? Is that more or less than the previous years? What is the median sales price for homes sold in Idyllwild and Pine Cove? The answers can be found in the following graphs on Single-Family Residences that have sold in the Idyllwild-Pine Cove area for the years 2015 through 2018.**
Happy New Year, stay warm, and I’ll see you next month on “Realtor Talk.”
*From the California Association of REALTORS – Member Legal Service: Smoke Detector Requirements
**Data solely from the Idyllwild MLS and RealtyPro Solutions, LLC. Data obtained from county records may differ.