
Realtor Talk

Jim Palmer in 1988.

Hello from the Idyllwild Association of Realtors®! This year marks our 40th year as an association, and what better way to celebrate it than by recognizing someone who has been part of IAOR since its birth, back in 1979 — someone who has just been honored Emeritus Status for “forty or more cumulative years of membership in the National Association of Realtors®, and in recognition of valuable and lasting contribution to the real estate profession in the Community.” Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you one of IAOR’s first board presidents: Mr. Jim Palmer.
“I’m more of a face-to-face kind of guy” is what Palmer replied when I asked if I could do a phone interview with him. I have had the pleasure of serving on the board with him for the past four years, and what a delight he has been to work with. It is my pleasure to share with you some of the highlights from my interview with Jim Palmer, licensed real estate agent since 1977.
Wilson: In terms of doing real estate on the Hill [Idyllwild], what has changed in the past 42 years?
Palmer: More paperwork. There was no such thing as a lockbox back then. We had to pick up keys at the listing office [in order to show property.] And of course, computers made a major impact.
Wilson: What has remained the same?
Palmer: Well, certainly not my age! [he laughs] The type of people that come up and buy property are the same — they want to get out of the city. The community of Idyllwild has stayed the same, and that’s important to me.”
Wilson: What kind of advice would you give new agents who wish to do business on the Hill?
Palmer: It takes time, energy, ethics and professionalism. If you don’t have that, you’re not going to make it. And everybody has to have fun in the process.

Jim Palmer on Monday with his award.

He then told me about a time when the economy was in shambles and real estate sales were at an all-time low. He remembers staring out of his office window, looking up at the pine trees and bright blue sky, then thought to himself: “Well, if I’m going to go broke, I’ve got a beautiful place to do it in! It’s all about attitude.”
Palmer continues to serve on the IAOR board as a director. His countless contributions to IAOR and his community are both priceless and timeless. Thank you, Jim Palmer, for your 42 years of continued services -— and congratulations on achieving Emeritus Status from the National Association of Realtors®. We are all so very proud of you!
Johnny Wilson
IAOR President

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