Historic Preservation District seeks to partner with local businesses
The Local Review Board (LRB) of the Idyllwild Historic Preservation District (IHPD) spent some time discussing how to elevate its presence and help local businesses.
While reviewing a draft logo, created by member Ron Kammeyer, board member Nancy Borchers asked, “How do we get some teeth?”
She added that the review board exists simply to protect Idyllwild’s historic district. Its intent is to suggest alternatives to modern lighting or windows, not to stop growth or prevent change.
“We’re suppose to be a group that assists,” Borchers said.
Board Chair Warren Monroe noted, “The only reason we have no teeth is they [property owners within the district] don’t take out permit applications.” His point was that even modifications to existing structures within the historic district are required to be shared with the county planning department.
This is how the county informs the LRB of potential changes within the IHPD.
Terry Shirley, the newest board member, also emphasized that the LRB’s role is to “be more of a partner with businesses. We want the opportunity to benefit storefronts.”
All of the LRB members agreed that the lack of a Chamber of Commerce or a unifying local business organization hampers efforts to achieve both goals. Shirley suggested that the board might need to take a more active role.
“I want every business in Idyllwild to succeed and raise awareness in the business community of the historic district,” he said.
With the logo, Kammeyer said he was trying to capture both the quaintness of Idyllwild and the purpose of the historic district. The other LRB members made suggestions to Kammeyer about the logo and he promised to continue to work on it and return to the October meeting with a new version.
While the celebration of 100 years of the Idyllwild Library began Saturday and continues to July 2020, Antone Pierucci, curator of history for Riverside County and staff for the IHPD said Riverside County will begin its celebration of 100 years of county parks in June 2020.
That year-long celebration will begin in Idyllwild on July 4, 2020. The first county park opened here in June 1921.
The county plans to participate in the annual Fourth of July parade and afterwards have a big 1920s ice cream social at the county park.
Pierrucci suggested and board members agreed that this would also be a very good opportunity to raise the community awareness of both the IHPD and the LRB responsibilities.
The IHPD is part of the County’s Regional Park and Open-space district.