Idyllwild Area Historical Society Museum to stay closed during repairs

The hole in the roof of the Idyllwild Area Historical Society Museum as a result of a branch that speared the roof. Photo by Melissa Diaz Hernandez

The holiday storms a few weeks back caused some damage to the Idyllwild Area Historical Society (IAHS) Museum. A tree branch fell and went through the roof like a spear.
“Due to the recent heavy snow and rainstorms, a long top section of an adjacent pine tree broke off and speared the museum roof,” IAHS Vice President Marlene Pierce wrote in an email to the Town Crier.
The IAHS Museum will remain closed until the repairs are complete. The IAHS hopes to reopen by Christmas.
“It all depends on the weather and our roofing contractor,” wrote Pierce.
When Docent Nancy Borchers walked in to open the building for visitors on Friday, Dec. 6, she found that the tree branch had speared the roof of the building.
Within a very short period of time, Manuel Guzman, who removed the branch from the roof, Richard Levitski, Larry Robinson, and Tom and Marlene Pierce were there to help. George Groty got a tarp that was placed over the opening until the contractor can repair the roof.
The IAHS does own the building and has insurance.

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