Want to be a civil grand juror?
Riverside Superior Court accepting civil grand juror applications
By Riverside Superior Court
The Riverside Superior Court is pleased to announce that it is now accepting applications from qualified citizens interested in being nominated to serve as civil grand jurors for the time period July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021.
Duties include, but are not limited to, investigating the operations of county government, researching matters of civic concern and inquiring into public offenses.
The grand jury reviews and evaluates procedures, methods and systems utilized by government to determine whether they can be made more efficient and effective. It may examine any aspect of county government and city government, including special legislative districts and joint powers agencies, to ensure that the best interests of Riverside County residents are being served. The grand jury may inquire into written complaints brought to it by the public.
Those interested in serving as a grand juror must have the following qualifications:
- Citizen of the United States;
- 18 years of age or older;
- Resident of Riverside County for at least one year prior to July 1, 2020;
- Be of sound judgment and fair character;
- Possess sufficient knowledge of the English language; and
- Be able to attend hearings and meetings four days a week.
In addition, applicants cannot:
- Currently be serving as a trial juror in any court in California;
- Have been discharged as a grand juror within the previous year;
- Be serving as an elected public official; and
- Have been convicted of malfeasance in office, or any felony or high crime.
- Other desirable qualities include:
- Sensitivity to and concern for the views of others;
- Skill in working with others in a group setting;
- Interest in and knowledge of community affairs;
- Working knowledge of computers; and
- General knowledge of the responsibilities, functions and authority of county and city governments.
A per diem fee plus mileage is paid to defray expenses.
A fillable application can be located on the court’s website at www.riverside.courts.ca.gov by selecting Grand Jury under the Divisions tab.
An application may also be requested by sending a self-addressed, stamped, business-sized envelope to the Riverside Superior Court Jury Services Division at the following address:
Superior Court of California
County of Riverside
Jury Services Division
P.O. Box 400
Riverside, CA 92502
Applications must be postmarked by March 27, 2020 and should also be submitted to the above address.
An electronic version is available at www.riverside.courts.ca.gov under Media Center.