Elections coming up include local seats
Three water districts have board member seats up for election in November: Idyllwild Water District (all five seats), Lake Hemet Municipal Water District (Divisions 2 and 5) and Pine Cove Water District (three seats). LHMWD’s division 5 includes east Hemet and Garner Valley/Pine Meadows Estates.
In addition, the Idyllwild Fire Protection District has two seats up for election in November.
Hemet Unified School District board local seat will be up for election in 2022 and Fern Valley Water District will have an election next year.
The other district for which the newspaper serves as a watchdog is County Service Area (CSA) 36. The CSA 36 advisory committee seats are appointed by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. The CSA 38 advisory committee was dissolved earlier this year.