Past Tense: June 17, 2021
70 years ago – 1951
Gary Cooper was vacationing at the Idyllwild Inn.
65 years ago – 1956
“George the barber” at the Idyllwild Inn was advertising his services with the slogan, “All the latest krazy kuts, also something subdued for pops.”
60 years ago – 1961
Jon Gnagy, an artist known for giving televised drawing lessons, was illustrating the local Izaak Walton League’s new book about native trees.
55 years ago – 1966
Firefighters were closing in on a 3,100-acre fire sweeping up the north slope of Black Mountain.
50 years ago – 1971
The Idyllwild Property Owners Association was raising funds to sponsor children who otherwise would not be able to attend Town Hall’s Summer Program. At that time, the cost was $10 per child for the 11-week program.
45 years ago – 1976
At the request of the 39ers, a local senior citizens’ social group, county supervisors appropriated $2,200 for various services for seniors in Idyllwild.
40 years ago – 1981
The Hillcrest Market in Strawberry Creek Square was advertising whole chickens for 59 cents a pound, an 8-ounce container of yogurt for 29 cents and a 12-pack of Budweiser beer for $3.49.
35 years ago – 1986
It was announced that Ernie Maxwell, founder of the Town Crier and the local Izaak Walton League chapter, would be the grand marshal of the town’s Fourth of July Parade. Maxwell, a well-known artist, writer, sculptor, cartoonist and conservationist, turned 75 years old on July 7, 1986.
30 years ago – 1991
John Densmore, writer, actor, director and, most notably, drummer for The Doors, was on the Hill and autographing copies of his recently released book, “Riders on the Storm,” an autobiography about his life with Jim Morrison and The Doors.
25 years ago – 1996
Local organizers were preparing for Idyllwild’s first Historical Encampment where participants would recreate scenes from America’s early days.
20 years ago – 2001
The Idyllwild, Pine Cove and Fern Valley water districts were making plans to unify on being prepared for a major wildfire by collaborating in the purchase of a portable Fireflex tank that would hold 14,400 gallons of water when full but could fold to about 4-feet-by-5-feet when empty.
15 years ago – 2006
A hot issue being discussed via letters to the editor in the Town Crier was the noise created by the helicopters engaged in lifting dead trees from the mountain. At that time, more than 35,000 dead trees had been removed from the Hill due to an infestation of bark beetle brought on by drought.
10 years ago – 2011
The popular Idyllwild Summer Concert Series returned again to the Idyllwild Community Center site.
5 years ago – 2016
A 5.2-magnitude earthquake occurred about 1:05 a.m. Friday, 13 miles north of Borrego Springs and 18 miles south of Palm Desert. The quake was easily felt on the Hill. A 3.5-magnitude quake in the same area followed about 1:33 a.m.
1 year ago – 2020
With a recent increase in visitation to the San Bernardino National Forest (SBNF), firefighting personnel and land managers were growing increasingly concerned about the uptick in illegal campfires that had sprung up all over the forest. Year to date, forest officers had documented an over 150% increase, from 33 in 2019 to 87 in 2020.