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Readers Write: September 30, 2021

Fight for women’s rights

First they came for the Bible
And I let them take it
Because I thought they needed it
Then they came for the Constitution
And I rolled my eyes
Because I took its content for granted
Then they came for the flag
And I abhorred what it symbolized
Because they wrapped themselves in it
Then they came for the democratic process
And I watched in disbelief and horror
Because they claimed they were patriots
Now they want to take back control of a woman’s body
And I will speak up and resist
Because I am done with their hypocrisy.
Join the Idyllwild Women’s March and Rally at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 2, in Idypark. It’s time to take back commonsense and join the fight for the legitimate right to control our own bodies.
Mary Rider

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