Anniversary announcement: Dick and Nancy Beggs
On Sunday, Aug. 12, 30 family members representing five generations, and a group of longtime local friends, gathered to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Idyllwild residents Dick & Nancy Beggs. After worshiping together at Community Church, the Beggs’ children and their families provided lunch and a program honoring their parents/grandparents in the dining hall at Camp Maranatha. Food, games, special music and stories were enjoyed by all.
Dick, from Florida, and Nancy, a native Californian, met at college in Aurora, Ill. They were married Aug. 10, 1962. Dick worked as a printing salesman for Strathmore Company in Aurora until their move to Idyllwild in 1970.
Summer camp played an important role in the growing-up years of both Dick and Nancy — Dick at Camp Suwannee in North Florida and Nancy at Camp Maranatha in Idyllwild. So when the opportunity for full-time work in the Christian camping ministry became available, it was a dream come true. Dick (director) and Nancy (food service director) served at Camp Maranatha together from 1970 to 2003.
Their three children Jody, Cary and Kevin, who grew up at camp, also served on staff in a variety of areas. And now most of the 10 Beggs grandchildren and three great-grandchildren have worked or been campers at Camp Maranatha.
The blessings of celebrating 50 years of marriage, living and serving at Camp Maranatha and enjoying the small town atmosphere of Idyllwild will continue to be very much a part of the Beggs family tradition.