Pine Cove underground tank case to be closed
The underground storage tank cleanup site at the Pine Cove Market was to have been closed by now.
In late October, the county Department of Environmental Health was to issue a notice requesting comments on its plan to close the case.
Unfortunately, the announcement was never posted properly and the process had to be restarted.
The county DEH plans to issue a case closure and no further action letter regarding the cleanup of petroleum at the site.
The DEH’s case closure summary states, “The groundwater petroleum plume has been fully assessed and impacts are located in the immediate vicinity of [Monitoring Well] 1 and MW2 near the [underground storage tanks], and have not migrated off site. … Vapor and groundwater sampling show a major reduction of hydrocarbons in the soil and groundwater beneath the site. The estimated hydrocarbon mass remaining in the groundwater beneath the site is one pound.”
After the 60-day comment period, if county DEH proceeds with its proposed action, all wells (monitoring, extraction, sparging, etc.) will be abandoned, all site improvements relating to the UST cleanup, and disposal of all waste materials (and containers) associated with this cleanup will be removed and the wells shall be destroyed.
A summary of the case closure proposal can be found by clicking here or at the State Water Resources Control Board site:
Written comments on the proposal should be sent to the Riverside County DEH by March 21, care of Linda Shurlow, County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health, 47950 Arabia St., Indio, CA 92201.
For further information, please contact Linda Shurlow at (760) 863-7570 or [email protected].