PHOTOS: Idyllwild School Open House
In the posted agenda for the Idyllwild Water District’s Jan. 16 meeting are the items for hiring the new general manager, Michael Creighton, and a chief operation officer, Joel Sears. Creighton has worked at Mt. San Jacinto College as a water technology instructor. His salary will be $104,833 annually. Sears was hired…
On Sept. 13, 2022, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill No. 2449, which modifies the Ralph M. Brown Act under which the local water districts, fire protection district and historical review board must conduct meetings open to the public. These modifications go into effect Jan. 1, 2023. (Pursuant to other bills previously enacted,…
Thomas Mountain Mutual Water Association (TMMWA), in Garner Valley, and the Lake Hemet Municipal Water District (LHMWD) are working with the Small Community Technical Assistance of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to evaluate the merits of a possible consolidation. The technical assistance review will require at least a year or more, according to…
Another Neighborhood Watch sign goes up. This one is located on Scenic Drive …
The April 17 meeting of the directors of Idyllwild Water District (IWD)included a detailed update on progress on the lower administrativeoffice project, a number of legacy issues uncovered by Interim GeneralManager (GM) Curt Sauer and staff, and a review of board procedure anddecorum, including stipends for directors. In public comments David Hunt wished to “commend…