New rules for entering and exiting Idyllwild School

Saturday afternoon, Idyllwild School Principal Matt Kramer announced new safe, closed-campus rules that began the first day of school on Monday that will prevent parents and others from entering campus without checking in the main office.

Parents were allowed to enter campus on the first day in the morning, but exiting rules began in the afternoon with parents and others limited on entering campus.

On Tuesday, safe, closed-campus rules went fully into effect. “All students must enter campus through the cafeteria doors closest to Highway 243 from 7 to 7:30” a.m., Kramer announced in an automated phone message. After 7:30 a.m., students must enter through the main parking-lot gate from 7:30 to 8:07 a.m.

After Monday morning, any parents who want to enter campus must do so through the main office and check in at the front desk.

At school’s end, parents, volunteers and visitors may not enter through the cafeteria door or the parking-lot gate. They must check in to the main office before 4 p.m. At 4 p.m., that parking-log gate will be unlocked.

Also, there no longer will be a crossing guard at Saunders Meadow Road and Strawberry Valley Drive. “This gate will be locked before and during school hours,” he announced, speaking of the gate on that side of the school.

When school is over, all students are expected to exit at the main parking-lot gate.

Parents of middle-school students will not be allowed in the parking lot until 2:45 p.m. to allow parents of elementary-school students to go through first because of the elementary-school students’ earlier dismissal time.

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