Residential break-ins focus of Monday meeting

As a result of a rash of home break-ins, some reported and some unreported, Joel Feingold has organized another town meeting to discuss the situation and bring awareness to these nocturnal activities here in town.

Feingold has invited Capt. Leonard Purvis and Lt. Zach Hall, both from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Hemet Station. Hall will discuss the importance of reporting these crimes, even if they are not immediate.

“Accurate reporting drives staffing considerations, directed enforcement operations, public outreach and education, and other useful tools we use to combat crime,” he wrote in an email.

About 15 months ago, a similar community gathering was held. One major myth, which Purvis quickly dispelled then, was the presence of gangs coming to the Hill and committing the break-ins. 

Purvis popped that balloon with his response that “… hasn’t been on our radar. There is no major crime syndicate here. It’s mostly a homeless issue and problem.” 

Feingold simply wants to reacquaint residents, especially new home owners, to the issue. The regular late night or early morning patrols of the business area have continued since they began in the fall of 2017. The current series of break-ins have largely been concentrated in the residential neighborhoods.

At the 2017 meeting, some interest was expressed to expand Valley Forge Private Security patrols to the residential areas. Unfortunately, this would cost some money and never occurred. This possibility may be discussed Monday.

This meeting is not about VFHS and its patrols, which are just one tool to try to limit crime in Idyllwild. Feingold expects several topics to be discussed and assumes the audience will have questions opening up many more topics.

The meeting will be 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 7, at Town Hall.

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