Idyllwild Post Office abatement continues
As many know, the Idyllwild Post Office lobby is closed for repairs. The anticipated shut down was expected to run from Aug. 19 to Aug. 27. However, the repairs ran longer than expected due to asbestos abatement.
The Town Crier contacted Eva Jackson with United States Postal Service Corporate Communications asking what abatement/construction was occurring.
“The landlord is doing flooring abatement in the front part of the post office,” wrote Jackson in an email to the Town Crier. “The work was supposed to be completed by Aug. 27, but it is taking a bit longer. We hope to have the office back to normal operations by Tuesday [Sept. 3].”
The Town Crier responded by asking what the abatement was for because the initial notice stated repairs. Jackson responded, “It was a flooring issue, but as the floor or mastic contained asbestos, remediation is involved.”
As of right now, it is uncertain as to when the post office will be back to its regular schedule. The last update we have is that it will be open from 1-6 p.m. this Thursday and Friday. Check back with the Post Office for further updates.