Kuscher to speak on Veterans Day
Gary Kuscher is this year’s Veterans Day speaker at American Legion Post 800 at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 11.
Kuscher is the current 1st vice commander of Post 800. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1966 to 1970.
While serving at the 676 Radar Squadron in Antigo, Wisconsin, he became active with the drill team. He fired at military funerals and eventually became drill master.
Following the speaker is a free lunch.
Also on Veterans Day, California State Parks is honoring the service of U.S. veterans, as well as active and reserve personnel, by offering free admission to 133 state parks.
A full list of the participating park units can be found online at parks.ca.gov/VeteransDay2021. In order to enter the park units for free, a valid military ID or a California driver’s license identifying the individual as a veteran must be shown to park staff.