Camelias go center stage for winter blooms
There is no need to wait for spring to enjoy the beauty of blooms …
There is no need to wait for spring to enjoy the beauty of blooms …
The year’s second lunar eclipse was Saturday night …
This blue heron is having lunch in a Mountain Center backyard.
This sharp-shinned hawk is perched on a smooth manzanita limb and keeps a watchful eye out for prey.
In September, the Forest Service carried out its long planned foray against the expanding tamarisk in Pinyon and Palm Canyon. Kate Kramer, Forest Servcie biologist, who did the planning, led the team which Outward Bound kids also joined in the tamarisk assault. Below, Kramer explains the tamarisk biology to one of the Outward Bound participants.
The Angel Tree at the BBVA Compass bank contains gift tags each listing a child’s Christmas wishes.
Following last week’s snowfall, this buck and a doe are seen exploring Fern Valley …
This bobcat is seen and photographed in Garner Valley Tuesday, Nov. 8.
The first snow landed in Idyllwild Friday …
Butterfly Mint Bush, (Monardella antonina), a California native plant, is a real butterfly magnet.