Art’s Corner

Piano concert: Antoinette Perry, William Wellborn and Douglas Ashcraft Sunday, June 9 Lowman Concert Hall, Idyllwild Arts Ccmpus This particular Sunday afternoon turned out to be...

Art’s Corner

Idyllwild Arts Academy Orchestra Concert Saturday, April 27, 2019, 7:30 p.m. Lowman Concert Hall, IAA Campus The stage was filled with musicians during the Idyllwild...

Art’s Corner

Pianist Caroline Oltmanns performed Monday, March 4, in Lowman Concert Hall at Idyllwild Arts. Photo by Peter Szabadi What with the preceding weeks...

Art’s Corner

By Arthur Connor Music Reviewer Luigi Boccherini, Oboe Quintet, No. 17 in E flat major (two movements) Franz Peter Schubert, String Quartet No. 14 in A minor...

Art’s Corner

Music Review Idyllwild Arts Academy Orchestra program: Rossini: “Overture, Guillaume Tell” Villa-Lobos: “Ciranda das Sete Notas” Tchaikovsky: “Symphony #5, E Minor, Opus 64” For the inaugural concert of conductor...

Art’s Corner: Lowman Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 9

As an incentive to celebrate the warmer weather recently, the Idyllwild Arts Academy faculty gave the community ample opportunity this past Thursday evening with a carefully selected program of late Romantic piano music, as provided by a very capable piano pedagogue in the person of Parvati Mani. The rather spacious confines of Lowman Hall proved a sonorous environment, and a small group of interested IAA students and patrons were in attendance to hear that well-balanced auditory offering.