New chamber officers installed
The Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce began the second year of its reconstituted leadership and revitalization with newly elected officers installed Wednesday, July 13, at a special dinner at Jo’An’s Restaurant & Bar.
The Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce began the second year of its reconstituted leadership and revitalization with newly elected officers installed Wednesday, July 13, at a special dinner at Jo’An’s Restaurant & Bar.
Riverside County Board of Supervisors unanimously approves establishment of Idyllwild Historic Preservation District
In the early part of the 20th century, a resplendent resident of the San Jacinto Mountains, the lemon lily (Lilium parryi) gently welcomed tourists
Laurie Maxwell (top left) and family gather at the Ernie Maxwell Scenic trailhead in Humber Park prior to the Friday EMax hike
“Bohemio,” a Santana tribute band, opened Idyllwild’s Summer Concert Series with a comprehensive repertoire
Five artists’ studios were featured in the Art Alliance of Idyllwild Member Studio Tour held Saturday, July 9.
Thirty youngsters from Town Hall’s Summer Recreation Program went on a field trip ending at Earth ‘n’ Fire in the Fort.
The country of China was the first in a series of countries presented to youngsters at the Idyllwild Library Summer Program.
As the end of the 19th century approached, Strawberry Valley (“Idyllwild” didn’t officially exist until 1901) was a far different place from anything we can readily picture today.
The summer sounds of Brazilian samba and bossa nova will waft over the community center meadow on Thursday, July 14