Volunteers plant 50 lilac trees at Idyllwild Inn

Members of the 2015 Lilac Festival Committee take a break after planting 50 lilacs at the Idyllwild Inn on Saturday, Oct. 15. Seated, from left, are Gary Parton, Jaye Leatherman, Lois Sheppard, Joann Radzar, Antje Banks, and Ivy and Geoffrey Beebee, a couple visiting from Walsall, England. Standing, from left, are Doug Foss, Steve DeLong and Elliott Taylor. By the end of this week, Parton estimates more than 300 lilacs will have been planted in various sites throughout Idyllwild. Photo by Cid Castillo

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One Comment

  1. A quick note to Gary Parton. Very happy to see your envolment with Lilacs. Kai would love to have some but we have retired to her village in northeast Thailand where we have established a small Thai fruit farm. Good to see you have retired where we spent many outings during our North High School days.

    Best reguards,
    Dave Ramsey

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