Opinion: Senior housing

Isn’t it time we had some senior housing right here in Idyllwild?

Over the last 10 years alone, we’ve seen friends who are longtime, happy residents forced to move off the Hill, often because they simply can’t continue to live alone in their homes.

Often their hearts are broken, leaving the town they love; they’re good citizens, active in Idyllwild’s various organizations.

I think that if some developer were to build such a facility, the waiting list would immediately fill up.

The place would need to be centrally located, within walking distance of shops, post office, etc.

Adding an assisted living wing to the facility would make it even more popular.

I know the cost to build and maintain this project would be enormous, and the economy isn’t the best these days.

Still … someone? Anyone?

Adele Smith

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  1. Most developers of *affordable* senior housing often say they need at least 40 one-bedroom units to afford the overhead associated with proper full time management and good maintenance. That's a pretty large lodge-type building to put in a central location in Idyllwild. You're more likely to see that kind of development in San Jacinto or in the retirement communities of the Coachella Valley. You might be able to go with a smaller development, but only with substantial additional subsidies and/or higher rental rates. Such subsidies are often prioritized towards areas with other supportive services, such as nearby senior centers or medical care. But you never know: San Bernardino County subsidized affordable senior housing in Twin Peaks… maybe the Riverside County EDA could do likewise in Idyllwild.

  2. This is in response to Adele Smiths letter regarding senior housing. It is not cost effective to build a facility in Idyllwild. The solution is to form "Golden Girl" households. There is an organization in the L.A. area that matches seniors with senior roommates so they don't have to leave their homes as they grow older. When one roommate needs in home care they can hire someone to come in part time to help. There are solutions to this. I would like to know how great the need is up here. If anyone is interested in participating in a senior roommate matching program let me know. I am thinking of starting one up here. You can contact me at P.O. Box 1483, Idyllwild, CA 92549. C. Mitchell

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