Opinion: Rebuttal
Are the negative, character-assasinating comments about Eduardo Santiago being posted or printed in our paper? I surely hope not.
It would set a terrible precedent for anyone to name-call (“Leave your L.A. ego in L.A.”) or give misinformation (“Hardly anyone in attendance bought books”).
I attended all series events and two times the bookstore ran out of the author’s books to sell! I know Eduardo actually bought copies himself before the event and donated them to Julie so she’d have more on hand.
My purchases and support of INK have increased as a direct result of The Authors Series. I even hosted my daughter’s birthday party there!
INK and Julie were gratefully acknowledged from the mic [microphone] at every event.
Maybe every attendee (the audience grew each week) didn’t buy a book on the spot, but this series drew a lot of attention to and awareness of INK to the community — people who may not have otherwise known how unique INK is.
For myself, attending the series reminded me, a Kindle user, of the joy in holding a paper book and the importance of keeping our independent (or any) bookstore alive.
And do these poison-pen writers realize Eduardo is a local who owns a home here and not some out-of-town-bigshot imposing his will on our sweet town?
Seeing this negativity surrounding INK puts a bad taste in my mouth.
I hope Julie, Mary and David will write a rebuttal to these comments, thanking Eduardo and his valiant effort to support his local bookstore.
Betty Anderson