Opinion: The creek

Thank you very much for your information about Strawberry Creek where it runs through Idyllwild Pines Camp.

It is good to know the rules regarding access to the creek and how one can walk along this lovely area. My family and others have done this for years
and have always picked up any litter we have found, left the creek area untouched and not bothered anyone.

However, the words of Idyllwild Pines and Executive Director Martha Snyder accusing all citizens of Idyllwild of being potential vandals has made truly bad vibes over that entire area.

We won’t go near it anymore — it is a dark, unfriendly and negative place. The people at Idyllwild Pines don’t want to have anything to do with the folks of Idyllwild and apparently consider us second class citizens; the “unwashed.”

It didn’t used to be this way and it seems to have something to do with Executive Director Snyder.

I have even heard that the small amount of vandalism that occurred may have been Idyllwild Pines campers themselves.

And as a further show of how little they care for the folks of Idyllwild, they have very loud amplified speaking, music and screaming — echoing up the canyon and disturbing our peace and quiet. Not friendly people.

Idyllwild Pines doesn’t seem like part of the Idyllwild community. Even if we can go to a public access point and walk along the creek — we will always be made to feel unwelcome there.

Who needs it?

Michael Rasson
Santa Monica/Idyllwild

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  1. I am planning a trip to Idyllwild and wanted to just take a walk along the creek. Is this possible or not? This article confuses me just coming upon it and not knowing all the particulars. Thank you.

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