In her letter to the editor [see the Sept. 27 issue of the Town Crier], Judy Schonebaum made various comments regarding my [Sept. 20] letter to the editor. I hope this will clarify.
Some time ago, Idyllwild Pines Executive Director Martha Snyder wrote an opinion article which appeared in the Town Crier.
This “ad hominem smear” explained that since there had been some minor vandalism at Idyllwild Pines, the people of Idyllwild are all potential vandals and, therefore, must be kept out, not be allowed to walk along Strawberry Creek. This is “the policy or position she or he maintains.” There were several letters in the following week’s Town Crier taking issue with Ms. Snyder’s opinion article; that the people of Idyllwild are not to be trusted.
This opinion article is where the “incendiary slurs” come from, which Ms. Schonebaum mentions in her letter — as well as the “distrust and disillusion” she refers to.
In my letter, I asked if Idyllwild Pines had the right to keep people away from Strawberry Creek; what the property rights are.
The Town Crier recently had an excellent article about the generosity of the Idyllwild All Year Resort giving the people of Idyllwild the rights to walk along the creek, as long as there is a public access entrance. We tried using what we hope was public access to the creek through Idyllwild Pines, but the area has such a negative feeling now that we turned around and won’t go back. We felt like we were being watched, there was no joy there, it is a dark place. Idyllwild Pines has made it clear that people are not welcome, access or not.
There is so much beauty in Idyllwild, we would rather take our walks in a pleasant area.
As to the dog park, we don’t have a dog. However, not to be facetious, I don’t see how one can get to the dog park without trespassing on Idyllwild Pines property.
Michael Rasson
Santa Monica/Idyllwild