Opinion: Vote no on Measure U
I do not understand how the proponents of Hemet Unified’s [School District] Measure U can say a $25, $50 or $100 tax increase will save us money?
Is all [Bill] Sanborn [HUSD trustee] and his tax and spend buddies who populate the school board do is pass tax increases onto a valley decimated by the recession?
What about HUSD’s willingness to add to idle masses that burglarize and steal from our homes with their 25 percent dropout rate? I have had two break-ins in the last two months.
In the last year, I hear the chronic complaints from teachers, at the last tax increase trophy school that Measure T paid for, known as Tahquitz High School, rant about how the heating and air conditioning doesn’t work. And HUSD wants Measure U funds for new air conditioning? LOL.
The list of unpaid bond measures on my property tax bill is getting as long as my arm.
These tax and spend simpletons refuse to charge developers what it costs to build here. Then they can’t even manage the money they already have approved. Why would we approve more?
Vote “No” on more taxes for “U”!
Michael Reno
Pine Cove