Town Hall preschool closes: Possible reevaluation later in the year
By Teresa Garcia-Lande
Special Correspondent
and Marshall Smith
Staff Reporter
The yard behind Town Hall where preschool children could be heard playing several times a week may be a little quieter, at least for awhile. Preschool classes have been canceled for this session. Parents of children who had attended the previous session were told the cancellation had been due to lack of interest.
County Service Area Operations Manager Bill Brown confirmed that only one child had been registered and that was the reason for the cancellation. He said the matter could be revisited in the future if registration merited. Town Hall’s preschool accepted children as young as three until they went to kindergarten.
One parent said the preschool allowed children an exposure to different people and their styles of learning, teaching and interaction. She hopes that future interest in the preschool will allow it to return.
Students learned games and crafts that they may not have been exposed to otherwise. At Christmas time, the children made Christmas tree ornaments with their faces on them. This and many other crafts, often coordinated with the letter of the day or week, were a feature of the preschool.
The convenient Town Hall location also made possible small walking field trips for trick-or-treating or to the library.
The preschool at Idyllwild Elementary remains open and active; however, there is a waiting list and no children have dropped out at this time. Registration for next fall will commence in April.