Sports Roundup: Town Hall Youth Baseball
Town Hall Sports Coordinator Danny Richardson reported on Town Hall Youth baseball for the week of May 28.
Minor League
The Angels squared off against the Rockies’ Fernando Maldanado and Emma Righetti of the Angels got on base all three times at bat that led to the win. Katelyn Sonnier had the bat for the Rockies but it wasn’t quite enough for the final score of Angels, 5, and Rockies, 3.
Ryder Dittman and Seth White crossed home for the Twins both times at-bat. The Angels’ Rylan Righetti and Ryan Fogleson both had solid games fielding and hitting in the Twins’ 10-4 victory over the Angels.
The Twins also sneaked past the Angels, 7-6, in the second game. Bethany Holland was the top scorer for the Twins with 2 runs. Ordin Johnston had an all-around good game for the Angels.
Major League
The Diamondbacks and the Braves played an exciting game. Jeremiah Whitney was most of the Braves’ offense, scoring twice. He was followed by Toby Posey with 1 run. The Diamondbacks’ Preston Pino had a great game both at the plate and in the field. Andrea Maldanado scored the winning run for the Diamondbacks’ 4-3 victory.
The Padres faced off against the Braves. The Padres’ Cody Fogle’s hitting was solid. The Braves got good defense from Reese Whitney, along with hitting, and won 3-0.
In the week’s third game, the Diamondbacks and the Padres clashed in another exciting game. Stand-out Padres players included Aly Fogel and Joey Neu, and for the Diamondbacks, Killian Tschour and Preston Pino who scored twice. The Diamondbacks won a close game 8-7.
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