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Town Hall Youth Basketball, Golf and Town Hall Adult Volleyball

Town Hall Youth Basketball

Sports Coordinator Richard Mozeleski gave this report:

In kindergarten through grade 3 action last Tuesday night, the Red Ninja rallied on the back. Geneva Dagnall’s 14 points on 7 tough inside shots were too much for the first-place Barracudas. The Ninjas won 16-11 to pull into second place in the division. The sometimes high-scoring Cudas were held to 11 points by the tough perimeter defense of the Ninjas, and with Geneva’s hot hand, that was all they needed to take care of business.

In grades 4 to 6 action between the Bulls and Lightning, fans were treated to an exciting comeback by the Bolts that held up and resulted in an upset win over the Bulls. The Bolts down 12-4 at the end of three quarters outscored the Bulls 12-3 in the fourth quarter behind Cody Fogle’s 8 points, shocking the Bulls fans with a 16-15 come-from-behind win, thrilling half of the gym.

Friday Night Lights was a fun night for the teenagers as Ian Mozeleski from La Sierra College visited and played with the high-school-aged hoopsters. In spite of the bad weather and power outages, the gym was again packed with two full courts of action until 10 p.m. Mozeleski humored the games with some long-distance bombing and had a great time with the youngsters — a fun night for all.



Kindergarten through grade 3

Team Wins Losses Ties

Barracudas 4 3 1

Wildcats 3 3 3

Red Ninjas 3 4 2


Grades 4 through 6

Team Wins Losses

Celtics 5 2

Blue Thunder 5 3

Bulls 4 4

Lightning 2 5



Jim Crandall, Palms to Pines Golf Association handicap chair, provided this report about the Friday, Feb. 21, golf tournament at the Oak Valley Golf Club in Beaumont.

It was a beautiful day and the difficult course was in excellent shape.

John Brower (course handicap 12) and Pete Holzman (17) tied for first place with net 72s; Gary Brown (15) took third with a net 73; Robert Priefer (27) took fourth with a net 75; and Chris Kramer (42) took fifth with a net 76.

The closest-to-the-pin winners on the four par 3s were John LoGiudice on hole three, Ken Garelick on hole six, Brower on hole 11 and Crandall on hole 14.

The year-to-date point standings of the 2013-14 season, which runs from August through July, are:


Place Golfer Points

1 John Brower 22.5

2 Bill Ragland 14.5

3 Pete Capparelli 13.75

4 Gary Brown 13.5

5 Jerry Gabel 11.5

6 Pete Holzman 11.25

7 Dan Slattery 8.83

8 Ken Garelick 8

tied John McAndrews 8

10 Chuck Alkire 7.5

11 Lee Lanfriend 6.33

12 Jim Crandall 5.75

13 Chris Kramer 4.5

tied Bill Mitchell 4.5

Ray Rickards 4.5

16 John LoGiudice 3.75

17 Robert Priefer 3.5

18 Mike Feyder 3

19 Don DePalma 2.5

tied David Hiemenz 2.5

Les Widerynski 2.5

22 Scott Schroeder 2.33

23 Lev Sanford 2

24 Barry Wallace 1.5

25 Scott Foster 1

tied Dave Robb 1

27 Dave Calderon .5

tied Gary Leong .5

Tony Viola .5

Barry Zander .5


Points are awarded at each tournament as follows: first place, 6 points; second place, 4 points; third place, 3 points; fourth place, 2 points; fifth place, 1 point. Also, one-half point is awarded to everyone who participates.

The top 8-point finishers of the year go into match-play playoffs for the club championship in August, September and October. A member has to compete in at least five regular-season tournaments and have a handicap no greater than 24.4 in order to qualify for the playoffs.

The club is a member of the Southern California Golf Association and is sanctioned to establish SCGA handicaps for members.

If interested in joining the club or playing as a guest, contact Crandall at [email protected] or 951-265-5732, or Pete Capparelli at [email protected] or 951-452-5552.


Town Hall Adult Coed Volleyball

Coordinator Ginger Dagnall reported that only one game was played last week due to injuries and out-of-towners.


Standings (Teams advancing to the playoffs only.)

Team Wins Losses 

Idyllwild Inn 12 2

Silver Pines 11 3

Idyllwild Garage 9 5

Forest Lumber 7 7

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