Sports Roundup: Town Hall Youth Baseball

Jake Mabery, pitching for the Diamondbacks Friday during the Majors’ playoff game against the Padres, who won and defeated the Braves in Saturday’s championship. Photo by Jenny Kirchner

Town Hall Sports Coordinator Danny Richardson reported on Town Hall Youth Baseball for the week of June 10.

Lance Fogle makes sure this little guy touches home plate as he scores a run during Saturday morning’s T-Ball game, the last of the season. Photo by Barbara Reese

Jayden Fogle, Griffin Kretsinger and Emily Brosterhous had the hot bats for the Padres. The whole team played excellent defense: Jackson Brunett, Micah McCaughey and Bobbyann Mabery, just to name a few.

The Phillies’ Travis Rocha, Tyler Sonnier and Chole Cochrane were the hot hitters. Defensive standouts were Josh Stepien, Easton Pramuka and Cole Mejia.

The Angels played the Rockies Saturday morning and came away with the season’s Minor League championship. Front row, from left, Ashtyn Montoya, John Ryan Rodriquez, Rylan Righetti, Eddie Rinca and Alex. Back row, from left, Geneva Dagnall, Serena Rodriquez, Emma Righetti, Fernando Maldonado and Ryan Foglesong. Coaches are Ryan Righetti and Bo Dagnall. Photo by Barbara Reese

Minor League
In the Minor League Championship game, the Angels defeated the Rockies, 12-6. Angels’ Geneva Dagnall and Fernando Maldanado both tagged home plate three times and were the top scorers. Awesome defense was played by Ryan Righetti and Emma Righetti. The Rockies’ Katelyn Sonnier and Coby Sonnier were top scorers. Brody Posey and Mikala Gooch did well on defense.

The Town Hall Padres won the Majors’ baseball championship this season, beating the Braves. Front row, from left, Nicola Sabin, Jake Gurling, Arturo, Cody Fogle and Michael Stroud. Back row, from left, Coach Robert Sabin, Austin Gooch, Coach Lance Fogle, Aly Fogle and behind Lance, assistant Coach Zack Fogle. Not pictured, Max and Joey Neu, and Josh and Zack Grey. Photo by Barbara Reese

Major League
In the Major League Championship, the underdog Padres sneaked past the favored Braves. Toby Posey of the Braves scored in the first inning, then the Padres hammered the ball in the second inning, plating 4 runs. The Padres’ scorers were Austin Gooch, Nicola Sabrin, Jake Gurling and Aly Fogle. The Padres’ Cody Fogel, Michael Strond and Arturo Rincon played their hearts out on defense.

The Braves started their comeback in the fourth scoring 3 runs. Pierce Pramuka, Brian Jimenez and Jadon Meskimen each touched home, but they didn’t have enough runs to catch the Padres who won the championship 10-7.

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