Local author’s book in stores

Gina Genis’ new book, “Everybody And Their Mother - Idyllwild, CA Volume 1” was officially released on July 5 during a book signing the Idyllwild Area Historical Society hosted.

This is the first volume in a series of books highlighting Idyllwild residents in their most comfortable surroundings. The book contains a foreword by esteemed art critic Peter Frank.

Genis intends to publish a new volume of environmental portraits each year until she has captured every full-time resident who will allow her to do so. She has started a scholarship fund for an Idyllwild Arts student with a portion of the proceeds from each volume.

Only 300 copies were printed, and the books are available directly through Gina Genis or at the Funky Bazaar, Forest Furniture, the Prairie Dove, the Idyllwild Area Historical Society and the Idyllwild Town Crier & Visitors Center.

Genis will have a booth at Jazz in the Pines. Also, she is scheduled to be a guest lecturer at the Laguna Art Museum at 7 p.m.Thursday, Sept., and will be signing books there. Several people included in the book will be accompanying Genis to the museum and will sit on the panel to answer questions about Idyllwild. This is a public event, and everybody and their mother is welcome to attend.

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One Comment

  1. Hi – Well I hope to have this book by mid August 2013.
    I spent a lot of my free time in Idyllwild as a child, and as a mother
    Spent time with my daughter here in Idyllwild. Lots of good memories
    Here!!! Please save a copy for us.


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