There is a type of driver who travels our mountain roads that poses a tremendous danger to everyone using these roads. This is the “entitled” driver.
There are two basic types.
One type, even when you’re driving at the posted speed, will suddenly appear in your rearview mirror and ride your bumper until you pull over because they are “entitled” to go as fast as they want, and you and the next driver and the next are in their way.
When you’re not intimidated by this “get-out-of-my-way” tactic enough to panic and turn out over some questionable, uneven road surface, they proceed to pass you, even if when it’s over a double-yellow line — on a blind curve.
CHP can’t be everywhere, but, they never seem to be around to stop these relentless road warriors who will quite often buzz by, up to 70 mph (or faster), yet receive no consequence for doing so.
On the flip side of this is the other type of “entitled” driver — the self-proclaimed “keeper of the speed” who will sometimes plod along, going well below the speed limit, simply to force others to follow his or her “good example.”
These drivers are extremely annoying and are as much a threat to road safety as the speeders because even when there is a very safe and well-posted turnout, they just … won’t … turn … out.
A resolution to all of this?
How about if, when we see a vehicle quickly approaching in our rearview mirror, we put on our blinker and, as soon as we safely can, turn out? How about if, when we want to pass someone, we don’t automatically default to “tailgate mode,” but give the slower driver a chance to turn out as soon as he or she feels it’s safe to do so? It would also be nice to wave or honk as we pass, to acknowledge the driver’s courtesy.
Then, if drivers choose not to follow these commonsense guidelines, how about if we just be patient, continue to drive as safely as we can, and hope that a CHP does happen to come by and give them a big fat, expensive ticket.
To that I do believe they are entitled.
John Carratello