Grinding station open Tuesday and Saturday
The hours of operation for the Idyllwild Grinding Facility will change soon. Although summer hours, including Saturdays, were to begin on May 2, the Riverside County Waste Management Department has recommended that its operation be cut back to two days per week — Tuesday and Saturday.
In 2014, its average usage declined to 69 tons and 105 customers monthly from a peak of more than 1,600 tons and 560 customers during 2004 and 2005.
WMD recommended to the Board of Supervisors, “Reducing operations to twice a week would allow revenue to more closely match expenses while still providing the remaining commercial customers with an outlet for their woody waste.”
The decision to open on Tuesday and Saturday was based on a survey WMD conducted this winter. Grinding facility customers were asked, if operations were reduced, which days would be preferred to be open.
WMD also wrote, “Residents of the Idyllwild community who pay parcel fees for trash service under the Franchise Area 8 will continue to be able to use the Idyllwild Transfer Station at no charge.”
Since the facility opened, WMD has subcontracted the grinding station. This contract will not be renewed and county staff will operate the facility.