Readers Write: Lyme disease reported …


I  have a cabin at Pine Cove and each year I host a Fourth of July gathering of friends and folk musicians. About 30 friends attend our gathering and this year, one of our group developed classical Lyme disease. Therefore, I sent out this message to all of those attending our gathering:

“To those who were at the cabin over the July 4th weekend, this is an alert.

“When I returned from my Sierra trip there was a message on my telephone recorder from Bob Hall asking me to call him, which I did.

“Bob reported that he had acquired a confirmed case of Lyme disease and had been given proper medical treatment and medication for the disease. He is doing OK. He suggested that I notify those who were at the cabin over the Fourth, and I enclose typical diagnostic symptoms of Lyme disease downloaded from Google. This is a very serious disease and would need medical attention.

“I personally believe that the disease probably did not originate from our cabin and its environment. I have been coming to the cabin since 1968 and there have been no cases reported over these 47 years. However, it is best that you be alerted. If you are concerned about this you might Google ‘Lyme disease’ and read about its symptoms and vector. The pictures enclosed are diagnostic.”

Chester Roistacher
Pine Cove/Riverside

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One Comment

  1. We stayed in idyllwild the last week in June off of South Circle next to Strawberry Creek. Our dog was diagnosed with ansplasmosis and Lyme. It’s in the area so please check yourself and your pets.

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