Readers Write: Time to empty the garbage
Manietta v IFPD, Reyes v IFPD, Ludy v IWD, IWD v Kunkle, grand jury after grand jury investigation, and now new authorized and funded litigation with IFPD and San Jacinto pitted against the Cal Fire firefighters’ union.
They’re insults to the employees and an affront to every voter and homeowner on this mountain, not just because of the wasted tax dollars spent on expensive, repeating, disturbing, fact-revealing, frivolous, ego-driven litigation, but because of these institutions’ failures, as demonstrated by continued neglect to have in place qualified management, objective commissioners and adequate district policies.
Wake up, Idyllwild. Stop mixing the Kool-Aid at the concerts, Fourth of July parade and tree lighting with professional work/service expectations from IWD and IFPD. That medical emergency-deploying untrustworthy paramedics, referred to within grand jury reports, and litigation or low-flow, single-barrel fire hydrants serviced by districts with under-funded, unqualified/unlicensed management/employees fed by surface water from a dry creek and lake with limited usable storage are wholly unacceptable on this mountain.
Don’t get caught up in the smoke and mirrors of drought or egos. For your own protection, learn the facts as it relates to your property, your home, your street and your family.
If you do ask, perhaps you shouldn’t ask the ones who so artfully serve the Kool-Aid. And, if you are so fortunate to have proper resources and staffing provided to your home and family, perhaps you could advocate for those not so fortunate.
Remember, not all water quality, fire hydrants, paramedics, board members, water storage and managers are created equal. It’s time to throw out the garbage.
Jeff Smith
Pine Cove