Ghost Town returns with new theme
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From ghoulies and ghosties, and long-leggedy beasties, and things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us! — Old Scottish prayer.
Kathy Sacher-Wilson and crew are in the process of constructing and decorating their annual Halloween walk-through spook fest, set to open on Friday, Oct. 7, and run weekends though Halloween, Monday, Oct. 31. The hours are from 7 to 10 p.m.
Once again located at Idyllwild’s Town Hall back lot, this year’s iteration of guided fright excursions has a new theme and look.
“We’re calling it Idyllwild Ghost Town’s Haunted Hotels,” said Wilson. “Each room is a hotel suite with a new and different story and nightmare. My cast and crew of 70 are currently writing the script. Idyllwild artist Linda Lauderbaugh is helping with set painting and direction of the set painters. I’m doing set design along with Arn Hancock and Enddi Morales. Jacob Teel built the exterior walls. Crowd favorite Geri Peterson is returning as a guide.”
It doesn’t hurt the creep factor that Sacher-Wilson’s goose-bump immersion excursion abuts Town Hall itself, long rumored to have its own gallery of ghosts. And once again, money raised will help fund sports scholarships for County Service Area 36 recreation. Wilson is currently vice-chair of the CSA 36 Advisory Committee that oversees tax-funded community recreation, with Town Hall as its recreation headquarters.
Tickets are $8 for single and $10 for multiple entries each night, said Wilson, and will be available at Town Hall the nights of the haunting. For more about the live actor, animatronic walk-through fright fest, visit