Creature Corner: November 3, 2016

By Janice Murasko

Last week in Days of Our Nine Lives, the cats were competing for the title of Most Adoptable Feline.


Bobbie: It’s evident that we’re all very adoptable, but who won?


Leia:  Based upon adoptions this past week, nobody. We’re all still here.

Heavenly Whiskers:  Difficult to believe, isn’t it? I really cannot believe Binky is still here. She’s great with dogs, other cats, and just last weekend she was snuggling with a two-year old little girl. I’m telling you, that cat is nearly perfect.

Bobbie:  Speak for yourself, Whiskers!

Heavenly Whiskers
Heavenly Whiskers

Binky: (blushing) Thank you, Whiskers.

Olivia:  Perfect?  I guess it depends upon the person writing the definition.  I’m perfect for an active family that


wants to be entertained.

Pirate: And who’s to say that a cat is the perfect pet? I bark to alert, but I’m quiet otherwise. And I’m great on a walk.  I love kids, cats, dogs…you name it!  Oh!  And one real big thing- I DON’T SHED!

George:   Pirate, many humans consider a little pet hair to be a badge of honor.


Tinkerbell:  I guess you might say I’m about the closest a dog comes to being sort of cat-like.

Carly:  What do you mean?


Tinkerbell:  I’m quiet, very gentle, and I’ll keep a human’s lap very warm.

Pompeii: Tinkerbell speaks the truth!  She’s a quiet little girl.  I’m pretty quiet too, but I love to play and chase a ball. And come to think of it, I like cats, dogs, and kids too!

Bobbie:  So, am I understanding this correctly that the winner of the award will be the first cat adopted?


Leia:  I think it’s an 11-way tie.  All of us ARF cats are pretty darned adoptable.

Pirate: I think the REAL winners will be the forever families that choose to take us home.



Who will win the most adoptable award?  Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week.   And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122.


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