Creature Corner: November 24, 2016

Last week in Days of Our Nine Lives, ARF cats and dogs were celebrating “Adopt a Senior Pet” month.
Bobbie: Everyone, gather around! I have news!

Leia: Hold on, Bobbie. Let me get Tinkerbell and Pompeii. I don’t see them here.
Bobbie: And I know why. That’s my news.
Leia: Are you saying…
Bobbie: I am! They both got adopted, and they were adopted together.

George: Wow, that’s so wonderful. They have lived together all their lives.
Bobbie: And their new sister is an ARF alumna. Remember Tammy?

Carly: I do remember her. And I have news, as well. ARF has a new canine family member.
Sadie: Let me tell! She’s a really, really cute little dog named Mia. She was found in the forest in Fern Valley, and no one seems to be looking for her.
Carly: It’s really sad, but she’s happy now that ARF is caring for her. She loves her foster family.
George: So what’s the 4-1-1 on her?

Carly: Well, ARF guesses she’s around 4 or 5 years old, she is perfectly house trained, quiet, and loves to be on a human’s lap. She’s pretty good around us cats, but if we run, the game is on!

Leia: How about other dogs?
Carly: She’s good with other dogs. She’ll be adopted very quickly, I’m certain.
George: When may the humans meet her?
Leia: You know, George, they may always call ARF to set up a time to meet.
Sadie: And she will be at the ARF booth at the tree lighting event on Saturday.
Leia: Maybe this Thanksgiving several of us will have a reason to be thankful.
George: Thankful for a forever family. I truly hope so.
Check back next week to see which ARF pets will be thankful for being adopted this holiday weekend. Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122.
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In Loving Memory of Boomer, Harley & Feather