Creature Corner: December 15, 2016
Last week in Days of Our Nine Lives, there was speculation as to which lucky human would take home a bundle of joy for the holidays during the December adoption event.
Bobbie: (calling aloud) I need all ARF felines in here right away!
Olivia: (leaping into the room) We’re coming! What’s up?
Bobbie: Everyone gather around. You know Leia has been our main source of ARF info as she is so friendly and greets everyone. But there’s a new informant in town.
George: What are you talking about?
Bobbie: Leia is no longer with us. She’s gone to a forever family!
Olivia: Oh my gosh! I’m so happy for her that I could do cartwheels!
Mr. Gray: Olivia, I wouldn’t doubt you could do cartwheels.
Olivia: Leia is so, so lucky. Maybe this is a good sign for us?
George: Maybe. And when the humans realize they may adopt us for half price this month, they won’t be able to resist!
Carly: Seriously. We’re worth more than any amount of money, considering all the love we have to offer.
Pepper: We just need to make certain that the humans realize they need to spend a little time with us, to get to know our personalities.
Heavenly Whiskers: They need to remember that they cannot judge a book by its cover.
Olivia: Book? There aren’t any books in here!
Heavenly Whiskers: Olivia, it’s a good thing that you are so cute and entertaining…
George: Whiskers, Olivia is much smarter than you think.
Carly: And not to mention clever. That girl is very, very clever.
Olivia: And talented! Watch me leap from this shelf to the cat tree! Weeee!
Heavenly Whiskers: Oh, good grief.
Who will take home a furry ball of joy for the holidays? Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of Days of our Nine Lives each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M – F by calling 951-659-1122. Check us out online at:
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