Readers Write: January 5, 2017: Stop selling cheap sleds


Local Idyllwild merchants, please stop selling cheap plastic sleds.

There are too many broken plastic sleds abandoned all over the Nature Center park. In addition to half-full beer cans, plastic water bottles and food trash, snow visitors are abandoning broken plastic flying saucers and sleds. 

Near the random chunks of colorful, hard plastic are small, sharp pieces that can be swallowed by animals or washed into the creek. 

Yes, a metal saucer might cost more and drive visitors to buy the cheap plastic version down below at Walmart. But at least the first wave could include some polite explanation/education when merchants are asked, “Where are the cheap plastic sleds?” 

Please help preserve the forest. Hire more rangers to walk the park when crowds appear. 

The Nature Center is closed these two days, but the sledders are here in high numbers. Perhaps the county could hire local youth to bus the forest floor on snow-play days if our visitors continue to treat it like a dump.

Emily Heebner


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