
Creature Corner: December 28, 2017

Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” ARF celebrated several dog and cat adoptions.


Little Girl: So, how was everyone’s Christmas?


Alvin: It was pretty nice, but it was especially nice for Mr. Jingle.

Little Girl: That’s right, Alvin. Mr. Jingle found his forever home!

Alvin: He’s such a lucky guy.

Boots: He is, but you know, so are all of us.  Many of us were once on the street.

Little Girl: Or our guardians couldn’t keep us any longer.

Boots: So ARF took us in.  I’m glad to be off the street, that’s for certain.


Batman:  Why are you at ARF, Boots?

Boots: A very sweet lady found me on Highway 243. I was scared.

Alvin: As was I! My littermates and I were left in a box at Lake Hemet.

Batman: Wow. I was left with Zorro at ARF’s doorstep.

Little Girl

Little Girl: I bet 2018 is going to be a better year for all of us. Boots, Batman, Alvin, why don’t you guys go play. You love to play, don’t you?

Boots: You bet I do!

Batman: Heck, yeah, I love to play!

Alvin:  Me, too!

Little Girl: Of course you do. You’re all very young.

Indigo: And once you’ve tired, let’s talk about how we’ll celebrate the new year.

Little Girl: Maybe some of us will celebrate in a forever home.

Boots: That would be really awesome.

Indigo: Maybe some nice humans will adopt us as part of their new year’s resolutions, you know, like a resolution to share their hearts and homes with a homeless animal.

Little Girl: And maybe the humans who can’t adopt will want to foster one of us.

Boots: Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to start the year!

Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.

Creature Corner is sponsored in memory of of Sunny.

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