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Readers Write: Let freedom ring


I heard a rumor the other day that one of our two grocery stores is planning to install a Redbox kiosk in the near future.

In my opinion, that would be an affront and a very real threat to our local businesses. Both Showtime Video and the Rustic Theatre could suffer financially from such a move.

What if the razing of Jo’An’s Restaurant had produced a Starbucks Coffee, or a Rite Aid, or even an In-N-Out Burger? It would have had devastating consequences for some of our local establishments.

No, man. Not in Idyllwild. The outcry would have been both audible and visible.

Tourists, in general, have little or no understanding or interest in our socio-economic situation and needs. It is up to us locals to be the clarions of dissent against an invasion by a large business that would threaten the livelihood of our Idyllwild community.

For me, if a Redbox kiosk shows up in any business, I will turn and walk out. But not before I express my disappointment of the selfishness and greed that would so carelessly threaten the livelihood of one of our own.

Let freedom ring. And I say my freedom will ring at the cash registers of the Rustic Theatre and Showtime Video.

And my freedom will never ring up a cash register inside of any establishment that would selfishly threaten one of our own family owned businesses.

Let freedom ring.

Mark Dean 

Pine Cove

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One Comment

  1. I have to disagree. It maybe time for Idyllwild to move into the current times. Cell towers, new businesses and institutions. We tried three business ventures and did well for awhile until other store owners came in and shopped our stores and stocked exactly what we were selling. Healthy competition is stock and trade in this town and it doesn’t matter that business owners can’t find an original Idea

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