Spotlight on Membership renewals
Two more weeks until the one-year anniversary of our announcement of the Town Crier Membership Model, and four more weeks until the anniversary of when it went into effect.
Meanwhile, early Charter Members already are beginning to renew their Memberships. Of course, they do not lose anything by renewing early because renewals are always tacked on to the end of a Member’s (or subscriber’s) existing expiration date. Thanks to all you faithful early birds!
Please plan to attend our weekly news meetings, which are open to the public, Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. at the Town Crier office. That’s when we discuss and decide on news stories for the upcoming week. Some readers have been participating in our news meetings for years. Come join us!
Town Crier Renewal Members
(12 Membership Renewals as of July 30, 2018)
Saving and Supporting the Town Crier for our Community
Angels (0) — Other amount, unlimited above $1,000 annually:
Heroes (0) — $1,000 annually:
Patrons (1) — $500+ annually: (1) Anonymous $500.
Sponsors (1) — $250+ annually: The Family Business (tax preparation – Craig & Janice Coopersmith).
Sustaining Readers (10) — $100+ annually: Patricia Altman; Douglas & Maureen Boren; Dr. Garrett & Harmeet Capune; Steve Chadwick; Bonnie Doshier, a gift from Jean Stein; Greg & Nancy Dunlap; Donna & Sam Kelly; Carol Simonek; John Thomford; Jean Stein & Pamela Williams.
Thank you, all!