Creature Corner: December 27, 2018
Last week in “Days of Our Nine Lives,” everyone listened to Bernard’s letter to Santa.
Bernard: I’m so sorry Santa didn’t come through for all of you.
Tex: It’s not your fault, Bernie. You wrote a beautiful letter. Maybe it’s meant to be for us as a New Year’s gift!
Bernard: Wouldn’t that be nice.
Tex: It would be a dream come true.
New Sadie: Tex, you’ve been here for a very long time. Since I’m relatively new, please tell me what you would bring to a family.
Tex: Oh, a family. Wow, what a beautiful thought! I would be a very loyal and loving member of a family. I would keep my family members company during the cold nights, and I would protect them on long walks or hikes. I would be such a wonderful pet.
New Sadie: That is a beautiful image. Bernie, what about you?
Bernard: I would bring life and love to any human family. I would be little trouble as I’m house trained, and I really know how to relax and cuddle. I guess I would be a champion cuddler. And I really like children!
Tex: So do I! Kids are great. My foster has two children, so I have lots of practice.
Sadie: You two dogs seem really, really great. It’s a shame you didn’t have a forever family for the holidays. So very sad.
Tex: Well, the same can be said for all of you cats. Really, you are pretty awesome, even though I’m not fond of cats … or other dogs. Sorry.
Sadie: We don’t take it personally. That’s just who you are, and you cannot be blamed for being a dog who wants a family all to herself. We cats would like the same, you know.
New Sadie: Let’s hope that 2019 is kind to us all.
Be sure to keep up with the animal antics of “Days of Our Nine Lives” each week. And please stop in to say hello to the entire adoptable cast at the ARF House, 26890 Hwy. 243 on Saturdays 10-4 and Sundays 10-2, or by appointment M-F by calling 951-659-1122.
Creature Corner is sponsored by Carole Herman & Sandi Mathers.