By The Chat Room
Kerry Manos, author of a letter to the Town Crier on the recent Trump poster incident, will speak at the Nov. 7 meeting of The Chat Room on the topic “Free Speech: A Disposable Toy?” The new Idyllwild discussion group meets the first Thursday of each month from 3-5 p.m. in the Hill House at Spirit Mountain Retreat, 25661 Oakwood.
Manos was former manager of a major Army radar program. Her avid interest in biology and astronomy also led to work at a California observatory before she and her husband moved to Garner Valley seven years ago. Jenny Egan, founder of The Chat Room, invited Manos to enlarge on the theme of her letter to the Town Crier editor, in which she stressed the need for exploration of diverse points of view through non-confrontational discussion of divisive issues. “This is precisely what The Chat Room is designed to do,” said Egan. Admission is free.