By Hemet Unified School District, contributed
After long and careful deliberation, Hemet Unified School District (HUSD) has made the decision to close schools to students Monday, March 16, 2020 through Friday, April 3, 2020. Spring Break will continue as scheduled April 6-10, 2020. Regular school hours will resume on April 13, 2020.
This closure is for precautionary measures and currently there are no known cases of novel coronavirus in our district. These measures are to help slow the progression of the virus and protect our students, staff and community.
This closure includes all extra-curricular activities, after school programs and district-sponsored events during this time. This closure may result in adding instructional days to the end of the school year if required by the California Department of Education.
HUSD understands that school closure affects all families and is committed to addressing the needs of all our students.
HUSD will provide guidance early next week about supplementary resources, digital and non-digital, that can be used at home to review and reinforce knowledge and skills learned this school year. Students and families will not be required to use these resources but are welcome to do so.
Students should take any books, supplies and personal belongings (including medications) home with them after school on Friday, March 13. School sites will be open during regular hours on Monday, March 16, 2020, to allow families to pick up medication and other student belongings as appropriate.
During district closure, Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 3, Nutrition Services will provide breakfast and lunch meals free of charge to children 18 years of age and under. Breakfast and lunch will be served at the same time Monday through Friday at every school location from 11 a.m. to noon, except at the Western Center location. It is a drive/walk-thru type of meal service.
For those driving, HUSD asks that you stay in your car and bagged meals will be provided for each child present. If you have students at multiple schools, you only need to visit one location. Children need to be present to get their meals.
Students with Special Education Services and 504 Plans
During the school closures from Monday, March 16, through Friday, April 3, no instructional services will be provided to any students.
Once the campus is reopened for students, an individualized determination will be made for each student with an Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plan as to whether the student requires compensatory education services.
General Family Information
As mentioned above, HUSD understands the closure of our schools may cause implications with a family’s work, please use the links below to access California Labor and Workforce information.
- California Labor Laws (
- Disability Insurance (
- Paid Family Leave (
- Unemployment Insurance (
For other general questions, please visit:
- Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Resources for Employers and Workers (
- California Labor Commissioner’s Office Coronavirus FAQ (
During this closure, all sites will be cleaned and disinfected as a precautionary measure.
HUSD appreciates your patience and understanding during this difficult time. Students should stay home and minimize social contact as much as possible to keep our community healthy. In particular, HUSD asks parents and students to be mindful of the guidance to avoid activities involving large gatherings.
Thank you for your understanding and collaboration as decisions for the health and safety of our community are being made. The district realizes this is a time of uneasiness for many students and families, and HUSD will be in touch with additional updates via Parentlink and the District website ( before the end of the spring break recess. HUSD continues to keep safety as our number one priority and remains committed to the well-being of our students and staff.