Readers Write: Hydrants
What’s the most valuable thing in the forest?
For wildlife, habitat with consistent food and water sources.
To a hiker, the most valuable things are varied trails and interesting views with sufficient canopy to shelter from the sun whenever present.
Residents want peace of mind knowing their home and forest will still be there in the quiet peace and beauty our mountain is known for.
For firefighters working a wildfire on this mountain, on-hand resources are critical.
A high-volume high-capacity accessible water source (hydrants) are highly valued.
Due directly to the unified effort between Cal Fire, Riverside County Economic Development Agency and the Pine Cove Water District continues to fortify a key resource.
Pine Cove is very fortunate to have a hydrant system capable of giving firefighting resources accessible high-pressure units, capable of supporting high demand firefighting efforts.
As a resident that has lived here through a few fires, suppression tools and resources are the difference between habitation or desolation and additional hydrants are in the future for our area!
With an eye toward our very dry future. What’s the most valuable thing in the forest? Those who preserve it.
L.A. Sorensen
Hill Resident