Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Town Crier is making a few temporary changes. The Town Crier office will not be open to the public until further notice.
You may still place advertising, however, by calling the office at 951-659-2145 and asking for Lisa (display ads and the service directory) or Mandy (classifieds, service directory, legals, obits, and wedding and birth announcements).
We apologize. We will not be providing photocopy or fax services until further notice.
Of course, members will continue to receive their Town Crier issues via U.S. Mail and the online edition via email. The Town Crier will also be available for purchase from Fairway and Village markets and newsstands at our office at 54405 N. Circle Drive.
Lastly, we regret that we will not be holding open-to-the-public news meetings until further notice.
If we all pull together and do what we each can, we will weather this virus outbreak and return to a normal Hill community as soon as possible, we hope.
Thanks to all of you!