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Readers Write: Aug. 12, 2021

Short-term rentals

Dear editor:
I would like to chime in on the current debate over STRs (Short Term Rentals). As other Town Crier readers have mentioned, the county of Riverside is currently proposing upgrades to the existing ordinance 927, which regulates them. The upgraded ordinance can be viewed here: https://planning.rctlma.org/Portals/14/Ord_No_927DraftforPublication_1.pdf
The planner handling it is asking for input from the community. He is Steve Jones, [email protected].
He asks for the subject line to include 927.1.
Those of us who live here full-time, and those second-homers, who come here for peace and quiet, would do well to defend our tranquility by contacting the county planner to approve the new proposal and also to suggest other remedies which could be added.
For example, limiting STRs to a small percentage of a residential neighborhood, say 5%; having a dedicated county enforcer lodged at the Mountain Resource Center on Franklin Drive; limiting STRs to homes where the owner is resident on-site and making the license fee large enough to discourage casual/irresponsible operators.
Please write!
Penelope Smrz

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