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Readers Write: October 6, 2022

Removing cedar trees

Dear Editor:
When I read about the public comment from the recent Idyllwild Water District meeting about removing cedar trees so we could have more water available, I thought she must be joking.
If she meant that homeowners should remove the cedar seedlings that constantly pop up, I couldn’t agree more. If she is actually suggesting we remove mature cedar trees, she must surely know that SCE, Mowbry and Piño are cutting our trees as fast as humanly possible.
Does anyone remember when we used to have peace and quiet here on the mountain? I would recommend a book titled “The Hidden Life of Trees” for anyone who thinks tree removal is a good idea.
She suggests we remove this “invasive species” and focus on our native trees. Cedar trees were in Strawberry Valley before white man. Just take a look at the cedar tree next to St. Hugh’s church, or take a hike in our beautiful wilderness.
Most of us know the invasive species that sucks up our water … humans. We are overpopulated and if we want to protect our water supply, a good start would be a 10% cap on short-term rentals.
Dave Hunt
B.A. Humboldt State University
A.A. College of the Redwoods
4th generation Idyllwild hillbilly
United we stand or fall

Dear Editor:
In the past, Idyllwild Indivisible has gathered around the flagpole in the center of town. The American flag is a logical backdrop for citizens willing to defend the democratic process. This Saturday at noon, we’ll gather near Harmony Monument to participate in a nationwide Women’s Wave March to protect a woman’s right to make health decisions about her own body without government intervention. It’s the canary in the coal mine for all of us.
The results of the 2022 midterm election may threaten many of our human rights, including the ability to vote, self-identify, choose who to marry, what religious beliefs to honor, and how our children learn about history, and what books they read. A true democratic blue wave may also protect us from embarrassment and damage to our global reputation, let alone, the fruitless waste of taxpayer revenue to orchestrate a copy-cat, nonsensical impeachment of our current president.
Idyllwild will be teeming with visitors and locals eager to enjoy the Art Alliance’s Art Walk and Wine Tasting event. Idyllwild Indivisible will be there too, reminding people to vote on Nov. 8. The ability to vote, let alone be assured your vote will count, is at stake. It is the most powerful strategy citizens possess to protect the fundamental rights we take for granted in the United States.
If these issues matter to you, then please join us. If you are occupied with the Art Walk and Wine Tasting event, then a smile, thumbs up, or honk will suffice. Idyllwild Indivisible has a place for anyone who supports the democratic process.
Approved and signed by: Elaine Bacher, Louis Bacher, Shelly Downes, Michael Duval, Becky Gunn, Mary Gosney, Jeri John, Lorraine Kassajarian, Mark Krone, Stella Scali Krone, Janice Murasko, Erin O’Neill, August Picciolo, Mary Rider, Vanessa Scali

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